Spring Lifestyle Edit

Did you know that an American woman uses an average of 12 personal care products that contain 168 different chemicals? Tally up yours—you may be surprised. More than 40 countries have actually banned 1400 chemicals in cosmetic products, while the US only bans nine! What are the consequences?

We invite you to edit your spaces and routines with Ruth Gough, Ph.D., doctor of Functional Nutrition, Clinical Master Aromatherapist, Yoga Therapist & Teacher Trainer along with Dr. Andrew Gough, D.O., Board Certified Emergency Physician with post-doctoral training in nutrition and aromatic science. But MOST IMPORTANTLY, they are parents to five beautiful kids and their beloved rescue pup. They are on a MISSION to help each and every one of us live better, happier, and longer!

Your mind, body, and home deserve to feel better more often... Join Dr. Gough and Ruth as they share how to edit our homes and routines to make that happen!

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Kick Off: What to Expect

What to Expect as we take this journey together!

Self Care Edit

Self Care Edit with Ruth Gough

5 Wash Hair Challenge

Edit your hair care routine with this challenge!

Edit Your Personal Care: Root to Tip Serum

Root To Tip Serum

Skin Care Edit

Essentials, HD Clear, or Verage--which one is right for you?

Edit your Personal Care: Deodorant

Let's Talk Deodorant!

First Aid Edit with an Emergency Department Doctor

First Aid Edit with Dr. Andrew Gough, Board Certified Emergency Physician

Travel Edit With Dr. Andrew & Ruth Gough

What and How to Take on Your Summer Travels